
最近买了本《version control with git》的动物书。给自己下了规定,一定要每天看一点。免得像之前的书一样,买了不怎么看,只是偶尔翻翻,有点浪费。目前看到DIFF这章。本章的结尾是比较了git 和 subversion的diff机制。于是想上网查一下具体git和subversion还有些什么比较大的区别。在GIT官方的WIKI上看到一下总结,简单翻译一下: Git is much faster than Subversion   GIT比 SVN快 Subversion allows you to check out just a subtree of a repository; Git requires you to clone the entire repository (including history) and create a working copy that mirrors at least a subset of the items under version control.  SVN允许从服务器拿库中的某个子目录;GIT要求你clone整个库。… Continue reading GIT与Subversion的简单比较