1. What really define a relationship?
2. Do soul mate really exist?
3. Do we really want a mate or are we just programmed?
4. When it comes to relationship, is it better to follow your heart or your head?
5. Do we need drama to make a relationship work?
6. In a relationship, is honesty really the best policy?
7. To be in a relationship, do you have to put your single self on a shelf?
8. No matter how hard we look, do we ever see ourselves clearly?
9. Can there be sex without politics?
10. Exactly how powerful is beauty?
11. In a city like New York, with its infinite possibilities, has monogamy become too much to expect
12. In a gravity-free world, where everything goes, what constitutes cheating?
13. When it comes to relationships, how do you know when enough is enough?
14. What are the breakup rules?
15. Can you be friends with an ex?